39,5 Km
290 mt dsl

Commencing from Piazza Ospitalieri, this scenic tour offers a gentle yet captivating ride encircling the municipal area. Departing the town centre, a brief journey leads us to the tranquil haven of Lake Sibolla Nature Reserve—an oasis of serenity amidst the bustling surroundings. Continuing along the road tracing the forest of oaks, we meander through the lush greenery enveloping the wetland area and the shimmering lake. Soon, we find ourselves traversing the picturesque via delle cerbaie, nestled within one of the region’s verdant expanses. After approximately thirty kilometres, we encounter the sole incline of this route in the Marginone locality, adding a touch of challenge to our journey. Following this, we skirt the municipality of Montecarlo before returning to the heart of Altopascio, completing our delightful exploration of the surrounding landscapes.